Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Interview with Sherrie Coe!

I was recently chatting to Sherrie Coe, and I decided I might shoot her some questions for an Interview.
If you don't know who she is, she is the mother of Rory Coe, and one of the most influential people in the scene, especially in Australia.

Kyle: First off, Name and where you live?

Sherrie: Sherrie Coe, Penrith NSW

Kyle: How long have you been part of the scooter communtiy?

Sherrie: Since my son Rory started to get involved, four years ago.

Kyle: How did you first start becoming involved?

Sherrie: I like to support my children with their sport and understand how much it means to them.

Kyle: What's your favourite part about being involved with the community?

Sherrie: Watching the sport grow and the youth getting out enjoying the sport instead of sitting inside playing games .Its great to see how everyone out there having a go and getting along with each other. 
Things I dislike about the sport is when riders get there scooter stolen by only a few of the misunfortunate people out their in the scooter world.

A big thankyou to Sherrie Coe for giving her time to be interviewed .

Also, a shout out to DSC, which her son runs, check out there website at

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